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Reclaim Oregon Forests: One Kitz-Katz at a Time


If this isn’t a great note on which to end the week, thanks to Isaac Laquedem’s blog post about SB 916: Senator Gary George Proposes Firing on Fort Sumter. This comment of Isaac’s is the best:

“Not only that, Oregon could have its own currency, along the lines of the knuts, sickles, and galleons in the world of Harry Potter. I envision naming the units after our political leaders and famous stores, with one unit (like the Susan B. Anthony / Sacagawea dollar) celebrating women, all the while including something to amuse the children.For example, we could have as the basic unit the kitz (after former Governor Kitzhaber). Seven kitzes could make one katz (after the former mayor), seven katzes could make one sak, and seven saks could make one wife. Even though it’s not decimal, children could remember the system easily.”

And why not you might ask – reclaim AND create our own currency?

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