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Resources for Homeless Veterans in Oregon


The Outreach and Referral System for Veterans will be expanding in Washington County, Oregon.

Currently, all Veterans in our community can access VA benefits, services and assistance in completing discharge documentation (Form 214) through the Washington County Disability, Aging and Veteran Services (503-846-3060) and access employment training and resources through the Veterans Employment Representative (503-681-0219) at Worksource Oregon Employment Division.

A new component to helping homeless veterans in our community is a mobile Veteran Outreach Van that will provide resources (e.g. clothing, etc.) and referral to shelter/housing programs and the VA Medical Center. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs hosts the Veteran Outreach Van scheduled to be in Washington County. See attached flyer for details.

The mobile Veteran Outreach Van will be in Washington County on:
Friday, March 27, 2009, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

In the parking lot near Worksource Oregon Employment Department, 265 SE Oak Street, Hillsboro

* The mobile Veteran Outreach Van will return to Washington County on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, same location and time.”

More information about the Washington County (Oregon) 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness.

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One response to “Resources for Homeless Veterans in Oregon”

  1. Anonymous says:

    There is NO HOUSING for Homeless Veterans; it's all Horrifying prison-like shelters, where they will AUTOMATICALLY label you mentally ill & alcoholic/addict, force you to attend group therapy, take handfuls of mind-frying meds, and mandatory 12-Step Religious Cult Indoctrination. You'll be in a jammed-packed shelter with open group showers/toilets, no privacy, and be fed rotten food bank discards. You'll have rules-rules-and more rules, you'll do chores-chores-and more chores.

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