Articles Posted in Legal Subject Area Guides

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Six hours is barely enough time to teach Legislative History 101, but you can still join in the (admittedly wonkish) fun on October 23rd, 2015:

Oregon Legislative History: Research and Time Management Tips from the Experts”

Legislators, lawyers, law students, paralegals, librarians and other legal researchers are welcome to attend or purchase the course materials.

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The Association for Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) offers these, and other, courses for library employees:

Going to Jail: How Juvenile Books Portray the Prison Experience:

“This five week course will explore portrayals of the incarceration experience in juvenile and young adult literature. Participants will be assigned to read several books written for young people that include scenes in prison or juvenile detention facilities….

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The Media Release, “Oregon Courts Make It Easier to Complete Documents in Domestic Violence Restraining Order Cases,” can be found from OJD Media Releases, What’s New (for 1/15/15).

If you have trouble reaching the actual online FAPA service from the URL in the Media Release, it’s not you (there’s a rogue www in the URL), so go to the OJD Restraining Orders – Family Abuse Prevention Act (FAPA) webpage and look for the “Use Online Question-and-Answer Interview based eForms” link.

It doesn’t say so clearly, but you will likely need to create an account so be prepared to create a user-name and password. This feature enables you to return to your form later to complete or correct it.

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Book Review: Levitt & Davis: “Internet Legal Research on a Budget: Free and Low-Cost Resources for Lawyers”

  • Would you like a clear description of 3 free online versions of the U.S. Code?
  • Would you like useful tutorials on Fastcase and Casemaker?
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For the record, Measure 91 does not mention the word “recreation(al)” and its official “this Act shall be known as” statement says: “Control, Regulation, and Taxation of Marijuana and Industrial Hemp Act.”

Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP), at the Public Health Authority website.

2014 Measure 91: Recreational Marijuana, at the Oregon OLCC website.

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From ABA Journal: UK lawyer creates online prenup for pets,” Jan 1, 2015, by L.J. Jackson:

While many people treat pets like family members, courts take a different view. Pets are considered personal property, meaning Fido has the same status as a household appliance. So when a relationship sours, custody disputes involving pets can turn particularly contentious.

…. In an effort to avoid just this sort of problem, one U.K. family law attorney has created a prenuptial agreement for pet purchases. Pet Nup is a free download that covers ownership, responsibilities and rights in the event of a relationship breakdown, with the goal of keeping pet welfare at its heart….” [Link to ABA article.]

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IRS publication 5187, also available at the IRS ACA website, may help you learn how the Affordable Care Act affects your taxes.

IRS Publication 5187, Health Care Law: What’s New for Individuals and Families: While the health care law has several parts, this publication breaks down what’s new for the 2014 federal tax return you will be filing in 2015.

“This new publication provides important information for taxpayers who:

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Visit the IRS Affordable Care Act website for  publications and other information about the Affordable Care Act tax provisions.

IRS Publication 5187 provides information for taxpayers who:

a. Had health insurance coverage for the entire year

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“Indigenous Rights of Hiddenfolk and Native People,” by Kris Olson, OSB Bulletin, December 2014.

‘…. Upon arriving at the law department at the University of Iceland, I inquired about information regarding environmental/elf cases. “Which ones?” the law librarian responded. “There are so many!” The most current controversy involves a case in which the Supreme Court of Iceland has issued a stay. The news was picked up in the United States by the Associated Press and the major television networks in December 2013 as a Christmas human interest story with headlines such as “Iceland’s Hidden Elves Delay Road Projects” and “In Iceland, Elves Have a Strong Lobby.” ….

Andri Snaer Magnason, commented: “Some feel that the elf thing is a bit annoying,” adding that personally he was not sure they existed. “However,” he added, “I got married in a church with a god just as invisible as the elves, so what might seem irrational is actually quite common with Icelanders.“….’ [Link to full article.]

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Art major Michael Lewis, as trustworthy as Diogenes (but with a better sense of humor), hits another home run (don’t forget Moneyball) with “Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt”

It is of the “financial thriller” genre, and no less riveting than Harry Markopolos’s “No one would listen” (about Bernie Madoff and, also, the [insert your own appropriate adjective here] SEC).

Note: HFT = High Frequency Trader

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