Articles Tagged with Archives

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Surprise!: It depends…, but please do not make any assumptions that your kids will be able to view those documents or photos on your CDs (or DVDs) or other digital storage device.

From report [link to infoDocket post]: ‘But “there is no average, because there is no average disc.’

Hat tip to infoDocket.

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Symposium: 404/File Not Found: Link Rot, Legal Citation and Projects to Preserve Precedent:

“The Web is fluid and mutable, and this is a “feature” rather than a “bug”. But it also creates challenges in the legal environment (and elsewhere) when fixed content is necessary for legal writers to support their conclusions. Judges, attorneys, academics, and others using citations need systems and practices to preserve web content as it exists in a particular moment in time, and make it reliably available.

On October 24, 2014 Georgetown University Law Library in Washington, D.C. will host a symposium that explores the problem of link and reference rot.” [Link to symposium website.]

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On October 24, 2014, Georgetown University Law Library in Washington, D.C. will host a symposium that explores the problem of link and reference rot:

“404/File Not Found: Link Rot, Legal Citation and Projects to Preserve Precedent”

Preliminary Agenda:

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Politwoops: “Deleted Doesn’t Mean Inaccessible: Search and Access Deleted Tweets By Politicians,” from the 4/29/13 LJ InfoDocket post by Gary Price.

Internet Archive

(Priceless Meanderings: Diamonds are Forever (Fleming & Bond) and Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend (Loos and Monroe) and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Lennon and McCarthy) and Tweety Bird (of course!).)

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