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Small Claims Court: Is (Self) Help on the Way?


Anyone who works within the Small Claims Court world appreciates it, but also knows it has a long way to go to be really (self) helpful. In Oregon, for example, self-help litigants could use:

1) Assistance preparing for Small Claims Court
2) Assistance writing demand letters
3) Assistance or advice also with post-judgment collection procedures

I’ve blogged before about Oregon Small Claims Courts so won’t repeat myself, but read the announcement from HALT:

HALT has announced their plans for Small Claims Court reforms in 2010.

Excerpt: “Throughout 2010, HALT will meet with state legislators nationwide to discuss how its model legislation to improve small claims courts can be implemented without an adverse financial impact on state governments. Small claims courts allow people to resolve small money conflicts such as the collection of small debts, property disputes and disputes between landlords and tenants. Studies by HALT, academics and others have shown, however, that these courts often fail to serve the needs of the average citizen….” (Link to HALT and full article.)

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