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Oregon Federal Court Jury Instructions


Periodically we are asked about jury instructions for the Oregon federal district court. We have the following on good authority, though in the world of legal research, all is subject to variation, circumstances, and change:

1) The Oregon Federal District Court has not (as of this date) produced its own jury instructions. They do make use of the ones from the Oregon State Bar (see Oregon Uniform Criminal and Civil Jury Instructions), Ninth Circuit Jury Instructions, and check federal court Local Rules.

2 ) There are jury instructions for the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. These are also available in print and online, free:

a) Manual of Model Civil Jury Instructions
b) Criminal jury instructions (Note: Criminal Jury Instructions will be available on the court website the first week of August 2010.)

3) The commercial editions of federal court jury instructions are available for purchase:

a) Federal Jury Practice and Instructions (Thomson/West)
b) Modern Federal Jury Instructions (Lexis/Matthew Bender)

4) More about jury instructions in Svengalis, “Legal Information Buyer’s Guide and Reference Manual” and at Zimmerman’s Research Guide.

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