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The Challenge of Multi-Author Blogs


Personal Bee Law Library Buzz points us to this story, “The Challenge of Multi-Author Blogs,” which is a logical follow-up to my posts about lawyers blogging (aka blawging), here, here, and here. (Personal Bee also links to this, from Stark County Law Library.)

Excerpt from the Daily Blog Tips post:

“There are a growing number of multi-author blogs being launched, and many blogs that once featured only a single author are changing to include more writers. Many of you probably read a number of multi-author blogs, including Daily Blog Tips, Freelance Switch, Performancing, and others. Some of you probably own or write for a multi-author blog as well.

If you are considering starting your own, or changing a single-author blog to include other writers, there are some challenges that you should be aware of. While I do not own any multi-author blogs, I do write for a few on a regular basis, and I’ve written for even more on a one-time basis. Here are some of the challenges that are evident from my experience….”

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