I like this blurb (it’s not a blog post, an essay, or your typical course description – but it works!) by David Rossmiller that sets the scene for his “People: Throw Off Your Shackles and Blog!” program on blogging:
Excerpt: “As someone who has built a successful law blog and who has been blogging daily for more than two years, I’ve been asked to write a series of posts talking about how to blog, what to do and what not to do. “How to” blog is always a tricky, touchy subject, one that sounds dangerously close to impinging on the thing that is most beloved among bloggers, their autonomy and sense of freedom. The internet is the new Final Frontier, a place where no man has the right to tell another what to do. So I do not say “how to” in the sense of suggesting there is any one correct or right way to blog. Blogging is like music, you’ve got to play it the way you feel it, you’ve got to give your own interpretation to the material. And that, really, goes right to the heart of the matter…. (continue reading).
Oregon is filled with writers of all stripes, but surprisingly, at least to me, is that so few Oregon attorneys blog. Blogging is a good way to stretch those writing muscles, not to mention those legal analysis mental sinews.