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It’s not enough to sort out the papers, the wills, the taxes, the trusts, the long-lost relatives; you also need to think about burial and funerals. The law has a long reach.

Where to begin if you want to know about funeral law?

1) The place to begin your research is the Oregon Mortuary and Cemetery Board’s webpage. This Board has many publications at their website under their homepage topic, “Consumer Related.”

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On the Internet, Everything is Public. Repeat often.

Yes, we all live and will probably die, by email and other electronic communications, but you can also think about the words Privacy, Confidentiality, and Public Records (and maybe also the word Exemption).

Some of you may have already noticed this Warning in emails received from some Oregon government entities:


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The Food Liability Law Blog has some interesting posts, including this one that features an Oregon and Washington public health officer: “Is it Really a Food-Born Illness?


At a recent presentation, Dr. Alan Melnick, a public health officer in both Oregon and Washington, provided a useful list of alternative causes of symptoms to consider when someone claims a food-borne illness. Other causes of symptoms that might be confused for food-borne illness include (but may not be limited to):

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I don’t get too many opportunities to work through my “what I want to learn today” list (my LinkedIn site is languishing – sigh), but 12/18/08 was a SCRIBD day (or more accuately, a SCRIBD 30 minutes) (I really just like saying SCRIBD, SCRIBD, SCRIBD 🙂

In honor of SCRIBD Day, I posted 2 documents that took me a long time to get into my hot, little, grasping, law librarian hands (with the help of several others, including the Clackamas County Law Librarian and the San Bernardino County Law Librarian and their wonderful staff members, who are all just as pigheaded as I am when it comes to finding elusive documents).

I’ve uploaded Doe v. TS, RONALD, KRIS, and Bill, Case no. CV 0803 0693 (and supporting documents) and Ayyoub v. City of Oakland, Determination on Appeal from the (California) State Labor Commissioners, Case no. 99-02937 (by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations).

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This unusual, and persistent, cold, ice, and snow will be with us for a while. In Washington County (home to my library), you can view a list of shelters and other information to use or to pass along as needed.

You can also phone 211 for this information, inside and outside Washington County.

Check on your friends and neighbors too and make sure they have heat and food.

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Links to Previous Bites can be found here at, “Oregon Consitution in Small Bites: So Far

Today: Oregon Constitution in Small Bites: Bite #13: Article IV, Legislative Department, Sections 1-1b (copied from this version at the Oregon Legislature’s website)


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If you want to volunteer your time (vs. your money) but have only a few hours or days, here and there, don’t forget about this website for the Portland Metro Area: Hands On Greater Portland.

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From the Washington County (Oregon) Law Librarian:

If you are looking for AARP bylaws, either the national ones or for the Oregon Chapter, please contact AARP directly. The Washington County Law Librarian does not have them.

A couple of years ago, in response to a patron’s request, I sent out an email message to colleagues on a law librarian listserve asking if anyone had found an online source for AARP bylaws. No one had, but since then, I receive emails every couple of months from someone asking me to “please send me a copy of the AARP bylaws.

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From the Washington County (Oregon) Law Librarian:

We came across this Oregon Department Human Services website, with a variety of legal links on the following topics:

1) Planning
2) Power of Attorney
3) Wills & trusts
4) Guardians & Conservators
5) Finding an elder law attorney
6) Disability issues

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