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Even in the world of zines and social networking, there is still a kind of Periodical Underworld, which isn’t as under the world as it used to be, but it’s still not quite mainstream.

Here is an AP story that I found through Google News, about the Prison Legal News (PLN):

Ex-con’s magazine focuses on advocacy, prison life, by JOHN CURRAN, May 24, 2009. Other releases of the story are here and here.

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beSpacific reminded me to try out Google Squared, which is very interesting. I foresee it being useful for kids and parents doing homework and maybe even for medical and health related questions – maybe. I’m not so sure about legal research. I entered Oregon Legal Research, but all I got was: “Google Squared couldn’t automatically build a Square about oregon legal research.” Very funny, but not helpful. I’m about as Square as can be!

And then there is Bing. Only time will tell, but so far so good, especially on the Oregon Legal Research front.

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It’s hard to keep up with all the new laws coming out of Salem. Here’s a news story from KOHD News describing how Governor Kulongoski signed 24 bills into law on June 2, 2009 – just try reading those in one day!

You can find other bills signed into law at the Governor’s website.

Find other Oregon Legal Research blog posts about Legislation by clicking on keywords in the side-bar’s LABELS list.

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I saw this story at a May 17, 2009, PI Buzz blog post (3rd paragraph) and thought I’d blog about it here given the strong (ish) public records laws in Oregon. The link is to a Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press post.

Excerpt: “The names of individuals buried in a state cemetery are death records, the Nebraska Supreme Court said today, ruling that they must be released in accordance with the state’s open records law… . The court held that “HIPAA does not bar release of the information” and, in fact, “provides for release of information when required by state law.” As the records here were death records under Nebraska law, the court said, they must be released.” (link to full post)

(HIPAA = Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

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