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How to Find Oregon Statewide Ballot Measures


So, how DO you find recent (and past) Oregon statewide ballot measures? I last posted a list of 2008 November election measures here (and about the super Ballot Measure Archives Project), but read on:

For a current and an official list: Oregon Secretary of State, Elections Division, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. It’s not easy to find from this homepage a regularly updated official list of Oregon Statewide Ballot Measure for the 2008 November Election. You will find these sorts of things, though, and these pages.

On to the unofficial sources:

1) Project Vote Smart Election Ballot Measures

2) Wikipedia gets in on the act with its List of Oregon ballot measures.

3) And, did you know about Ballotpedia? Use their search box and type in, uh, Oregon! They also have this beauty, Category: Oregon Ballot Measures, and it includes 2008! It’s not official, but at this point, who cares!

4) Oregon newspapers, Oregonian and Statesman Journal, and most others will continue to run stories about ballot measures – and often have the most complete lists. Links to Oregon newspapers here, and here, and here, to list only a few.

5) Oddly, or maybe not, if you put “oregon ballot measures” into Google, you will NOT (at least I did not today) get the official Oregon Secretary of State Elections Division page in your short list of Google Hits. Hmmmm. (If you search these words, you will get the SOS office: oregon ballot measures secretary elections.)

Let me know if I should add to this list, especially if I’m missing something useful.

You can find links to your county election office here.

And a list of the candidates through the Green Papers.

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