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Sansone v Gordon: Medical Marijuana and Concealed Handgun Licenses (CHLs)


Re: Sansone v. Gordon, Washington County (Oregon) Circuit Court Case No. C073809CV

County to appeal decision allowing medical pot users to carry concealed weapons,” Friday, May 30, 2008, by Kurt Eckert:

Next week, Washington County commissioners will consider filing an appeal to lift the haze over defining the right of Oregon medical marijuana users to possess concealed weapons.

Washington County Circuit Court Judge Steven L. Price decreed May 15 that federal gun laws do not preempt Oregon state law in the cases of three responsible gun owners who were denied renewal of their concealed handgun licenses because of their marijuana prescriptions….” (full story from the Hillsboro Argus)

You may read a copy of Judge Price’s opinion at the Washington County Courthouse or at the Washington County Law Library. (It is not in digital format, yet.)

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