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Book: Scalia and Garner on Judicial Persuasion


Good heavens, what next? A non-jurisprurient U.S. Supreme Court book that will possibly become a best-seller, at least among the wonkish: legal, political, librarian, and chattering all.

Thanks to Law Librarian Blog for the link to the law dot com (Legal Times, 11/27) story, “Scalia to Join Supreme Court Book Club.”

Excerpt from the article:

“While Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been out publicizing his bestselling memoir, fellow conservative Antonin Scalia has been quietly writing a book of his own. But Scalia’s probably won’t be a chart-topper — except among lawyers.

Without fanfare or publicity, Scalia and Bryan Garner, the legal writing guru, have joined to co-author a book on the art of persuading judges, both orally and in written briefs….

Scalia’s voice will be present in the book nonetheless, Garner says. Asked if Scalia, in advising lawyers how to persuade judges, warns against citing legislative history — one of his pet peeves — Garner replies, “There is a section on legislative history, but it will surprise you.” Garner did not spoil the surprise.”

(Now about those signing statements … those are ok, but not legislative history?)

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