Published on:

Oregon Uniform Trust Code, Inheritance Taxes, and Life Insurance


The OSB Estate Planning and Administration Section Newsletter, October 2007, vol. XXIV, no. 4, has these articles:

Jones & Kekel, “One if by Land, Two if by Sea,” pp. 1-3 (on 2007 HB 3201).

Groblewski, “Reporting Requirements of the Oregon Uniform Trust Code,” pp. 3-6, 8. (Includes a grid showing reporting requirements.)

Levy, “Life Insurance Payable to a Trust,” p. 7.

Note: 42 Willamette Law Review, no. 2, Spring 2006 is a special issue, “Oregon Uniform Trust Code and Comments.” (Available in print and online (HeinOnline, Westlaw, Lexis, and other databases).)

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