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Tyler Goes to Court to Avenge a Videogame-Controller Wrong: A Judicial Civics Lesson Coloring-Book


Visit the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) Justice Case Files website to read this hilarious coloring-book story:

Justice Case File 4: The Case of the Broken Controller is a (PDF) narrative coloring book available to download for free. (Note: the PDF at the NCSC site is almost 8 MB. It can be optimized to under 4 MB if you have Adobe.)

The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) launched a public awareness campaign several years ago to educate the public about how the courts work. The central effort of this campaign was to develop a series of graphic novels, called Justice Case Files, which engage the reader while giving insight into how judges make decisions, how the courts protect the public, and why courts are so important to a democratic society….”

There are more Graphic Stories (aka comic books) at the site for free downloading. (Note: these are swf files so you most likely will not be able to read them on an iPad without a conversion app.)

Justice Case File 1: The Case of Internet Piracy tells the story of Megan, a college freshman charged with downloading music, and her grandmother who has received notice that the city plans to take her house through eminent domain.

Justice Case File 2: The Case of Identity Theft tells the story of the Garcia family, whose identity is stolen through an email phishing scam.

Justice Case File 3: The Case of Jury Duty  tells the story of Matthew Foley, an 18-year-old who has been summoned for jury duty on a case that involves underage drinking and driving. Through Matt’s story, readers learn how meaningful jury service is, how the jury system is a source of accountability for courts, and how our society benefits from the right of a jury of your peers.

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