The following Oregon County Law Libraries have in-library public, or staff-assisted, access to OJIN, OECI, or ACMS (court dockets). (But these locations do not necessarily have access to the full-text of filed documents. You may need visit the Circuit Court records offices for those documents.)
Contact information for the following Oregon county law libraries is at the OCCLL website.
Clackamas (OJIN & OECI)
Josephine (OJIN & OECI)
Lane (OJIN & OECI)
Marion (OJIN & OECI & ACMS)
Multnomah (OJIN & OECI)
The other county law libraries do not have these court records database, which is not to say you can’t ask your court’s Trial Court Administrator or Presiding Judge if they would allow for access from your county law library.
For more information, link to OJCIN OnLine (Oregon Judicial Case Information Network) and the OJD eCourt homepage.