I don’t get too many opportunities to work through my “what I want to learn today” list (my LinkedIn site is languishing – sigh), but 12/18/08 was a SCRIBD day (or more accuately, a SCRIBD 30 minutes) (I really just like saying SCRIBD, SCRIBD, SCRIBD
In honor of SCRIBD Day, I posted 2 documents that took me a long time to get into my hot, little, grasping, law librarian hands (with the help of several others, including the Clackamas County Law Librarian and the San Bernardino County Law Librarian and their wonderful staff members, who are all just as pigheaded as I am when it comes to finding elusive documents).
I’ve uploaded Doe v. TS, RONALD, KRIS, and Bill, Case no. CV 0803 0693 (and supporting documents) and Ayyoub v. City of Oakland, Determination on Appeal from the (California) State Labor Commissioners, Case no. 99-02937 (by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations).