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Bench Guide to the Oregon FAPA (Family Abuse Prevention Act)


A bench guide to FAPA (the Family Abuse Prevention Act):

A Benchguide for the Family abuse prevention act, Office of the State Court Administrator, c2006

Revised and updated in 2006 / by the Honorable Maureen McKnight and the Honorable Merri Souther Wyatt, with the assistance of the FAPA Benchguide Revision Workgroup of the State Family Law Advisory Committee’s Domestic Violence Subcommittee comprised of Robin Selig, Oregon Law Center; Ari Halpern, Legal Aid Services of Oregon; Camilla Thurmond, Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence; Bonnie Braeutigam Department of Human Services; and BeaLisa Sydlik, Oregon Judicial Department; Cheryl A. Fowler, Education and Training

(You can also link to the Benchguide, and related forms, from the Oregon Judicial Department FAPA webpage.)

Note: The word “benchguide” is not a misspelling. It is the word used in the document.

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