There’s a blog for everyone (said with the deepest and the sincerest apologies to Ranganathan*), whether you have one of your own, contribute to a group blog, think about writing one, or just read one:
Blogs are for use.
Every reader his/her blog.
Every blog its reader.
Every blog its writer.
Save the time of the reader.
The blogosphere is a growing organism.
What set me off on this post was another request to “talk about blogging” from someone who I hope will give blogging a whirl and think creatively and realistically about how s/he wants to blog:
For a very quick taste of completely different lawyer blogs: visit Inter Alia and scroll through the thousands of Blawgs of the Day.
See also this:
Why litigators should blog, blogs and law reviews, and more, from WisBlawg, excerpt:
“Last week I had the honor of presenting at the State Bar of Wisconsin Annual Convention here in Madison. I spoke at a Litigation Section program entitled “This Blog’s for You” along with Mark Herrmann of Drug & Device Law and Anne Reed of Deliberations.
In my part of the presentation, I discussed blogs generally – what are blogs, how are they being used by legal professionals, how do you find legal blogs, and how do you read them. I developed this quick handout which is available at Scribd.
Anne Reed offered some insights on why litigators, especially, should be aware of blogs. She stressed that because juries are blogging, it’s important for lawyers to understand blogs. Mark Herrmann spoke on the whys and hows of writing a blog as a legal professional….” (continue reading)
*Ranganathan and his Five Laws of Library Science (the guiding force behind librarians world-wide). The Laws are:
“Books are for use.
Every reader his [or her] book.
Every book its reader.
Save the time of the User.
The library is a growing organism.”
“The Five Laws of Library Science are some of the most influential concepts in that field. Since they were published in 1931, these five laws “have remained a centerpiece of professional values…” (Rubin 2004). These basic theories of Library Science continue to directly affect the development of this discipline and the service of all libraries….” (from Wikipedia)