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Early Bird Kicker Scam: Pass it on, please


KOIN online has this story today (10/16/07), “Kicker Tax Refund ‘Phishing’ Scam.”

If you get a phone call or e-mail asking for your bank account number so that your kicker refund can be electronically deposited in your account, don’t believe it.

The Oregon Department of Revenue said that a handful of taxpayers have reported getting official-sounding phone calls and e-mails offering to deposit their kicker refund.

“They tell the taxpayer they work for the Department of Revenue. They offer to deposit the taxpayer’s kicker refund in their bank account. All the taxpayer has to do is give them their account number,” said customer service manager Joan Linn. “Don’t do it.”

This is the latest twist in a widespread identify-theft scam known as phishing. Linn said the department never e-mails or telephones taxpayers asking for bank account information.

“Plus, we aren’t able to provide direct deposit as an option for kicker refunds.”

If you get a suspicious phone call or e-mail, call the Oregon attorney general’s toll-free consumer hotline, 1-877-877-9392, or visit
their Web site.”

More about the Kicker here and here.

Lots more AG vs. scammer stories on the Oregon DOJ Media Releases page.

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