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Food Lawyers


Sunday’s Oregonian (3/25/07), Business section, also had an interesting story by Alex Pulaski about two Northwest attorneys who practice Food Law. Wash your hands, and your food, and don’t let the person handling the money also handle the food (is this a myth or just the least of our worries?) Bon appetite!

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One response to “Food Lawyers”

  1. lgp says:

    Food law can be very interesting. I wasn’t aware of this speciality until I worked for a firm in San Francisco, where one of the contract attorneys there did all the FDA food labeling for Clorox and Dreyer’s Ice Cream. (yes, he had ice cream in his freezer, but he didn’t share much.) I also learned why “mouth feel” was on the label of my favorite hot cocoa – you don’t want to hear about that. Happy label reading!

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