On Wednesday, September 17th, 2008: Get your free pocket U.S. Constitution (3 different selection to choose from!) at Laura the Law Librarian’s Constitution Day celebration. (Yes, once again I’ll be handing out pocket U.S. Constitutions at the Washington County Courthouse, from Noon to 1 p.m.)
(Bring a friend and stay in Hillsboro for lunch. If you haven’t visited downtown Hillsboro recently, you’re in for a treat. Great food, beautiful walks (see more Metro Walks here), great Law Library (!), and much more.)
Once again, I stand [never] alone up against the forces of, uh, Constitution-less anarchy maybe? But as you’ve probably noticed, it’s not enough to HAVE a Constitution, one must be governed by it (not unlike that Seinfeld car rental reservation, here and here, where it wasn’t enough to HAVE the reservation; one had to HOLD the reservation ….
In any event, there is nothing more tear-worthy and moving than reading aloud the Declaration of Independence and nothing more empowering than reading the U.S. Constitution (and here’s the excellent, and formerly print-only, Analysis & Interpretation).