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Legal Aspects of Cohousing, Ecovillages, Barter Economies, and More: for Oregon Attorneys and Entrepreneurs


“Community-members, attorneys, and entrepreneurs may attend a two-day workshop examining legal strategies for the creation of sustainable, localized and sharing economies.  This workshop will look at some of the key ingredients of the transition to a new economy, including:

  • Cooperatives
  • Community-owned enterprises
  • Social enterprise
  • Local currencies
  • Barter economies
  • Ecovillages
  • Cohousing
  • Local investing
  • Car sharing
  • Urban agriculture
  • Cottage-scale industries

…. The  two-day workshop will address legal questions that arise in efforts to build more sustainable economies, including those relating to entity formation and structure, securities laws, employment laws, tax laws, real estate law, zoning laws, risk management, and regulation of commercial activity.

….  Among other things, participants will gain tools and understandings helpful in forming and structuring organizations, making contracts and agreements, raising capital for community-owned enterprises, and navigating the vast and interesting world of legal regulation…”

Presented by Attorney Janelle Orsi (Director, Sustainable Economies Law Center), with Portland Attorney Ashlee Albies.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for research purposes only.  We do not provide legal advice, nor do we endorse any person, product, or company.

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