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Legal Humor News (BBC): Chief Judge, Juror … and Chief Bottlewasher?


Hilarious April 2019 story out of England, via the BBC:

Judge asked to be relieved of jury duty – because he was the judge in the case.

But it gets worse! The Jury Central Summoning Bureau first told him, no, you’ll have to serve. Ha ha ha. Read the story:

‘Judge excused jury duty after case mix-up

…. I told the Jury Central Summoning Bureau that I thought I would be inappropriate seeing I happened to be the judge and knew all the papers.

“They wrote back to me, they picked up on the fact I was the judge but said ‘your appeal for refusal has been rejected but you could apply to the resident judge’ but I told them ‘I am the resident judge’.

“I had to phone them up and they realised it was a mistake….
The judge added: “I would have liked to have done the jury service to see what it was like and whether I would have liked the judge….‘ [Read BBC story.]

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