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Legal News Around the Oregonian Today


Today’s Oregonian (my starter commuter newspaper) had lots of legal news today. In fact, too much for me to do this all in one swell foop. And I haven’t yet started looking at the other Oregon newspapers.

Legislators agree on something (for now) about the corporate kicker (another story on this from the Salem Statesman Journal)

Editorial on “lily-white” courts in Oregon

Opinion piece on Measure 37

Property taxes and the double majority

Youlee You appointed to Multnomah Co Circuit Court

Another minor sex abuse story

More about ORS 811.010 (Pedestrian crosswalks)

Speeders on U.S. 26 attract faster police cars in Beaverton

There are many more needing links (I have to get back to work!):
Federal judge dismisses lawsuit by Liysa Northon (serving 12 years for killing her husband)
More on latest the Archdiocese’s bankruptcy case
Multnomah jail deputy indicted
Texas wins (over Oregon) right to bury Iraq veteran
Eugene police shooting review board clears police officers

Oh, and as always, the daily traffic fatalities.

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