Do you need legal help with expungements, DACA renewal, County Circuit Court navigation, legal name and gender marker changes, and other legal assistance, self-help, and referrals?
Check out the Oregon Legal Assistance Resource Guide (from the Washington County Law Library website), which will soon be updated with this PCC CLEAR Clinic, from the PCC (Portland Community College) Paralegal Program, based at the PCC North Portland Cascade campus:
Read about the CLEAR (Community Legal & Educational Access & Referral) Program and Clinics:
“About the CLEAR Clinic
Welcome to the PCC CLEAR (Community Legal & Educational Access & Referral) Clinic! The CLEAR Clinic is a legal clinic at PCC Cascade in North Portland, providing the following free legal services to people in the Portland metro area:
Criminal record and eviction expungements
DACA renewals
Housing and immigration court navigation
Legal name and gender-marker changes
Other legal advice and referrals for legal services, PCC resources, and community-based resources. …” [Link to CLEAR Clinic website.]