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Pro Se Litigants: Acting as Your Own Lawyer


The King County Law Library blogs about More People are Acting as their Own Lawyers, linking to this story:

More people acting as their own lawyers: Courts clog up as Americans represent themselves, even in complex cases,” updated 2:28 p.m. PT, Mon., Nov. 24, 2008

Excerpt from the article:

‘The number of people serving as their own lawyers is on the rise across the country, and the cases are no longer limited to uncontested divorces and small claims. Even people embroiled in child custody cases, potentially devastating lawsuits and bankruptcies are representing themselves, legal experts say.

“It’s not just that poor people can’t afford lawyers. This is really a middle-class phenomenon,” said Sue Talia, a judge from Danville, Calif., and author of “Unbundling Your Divorce: How to Find a Lawyer to Help You Help Yourself….”
‘ (read full article)

I’ve blogged in the past about unbundling (aka limited scope legal assistance) and other ways to keep legal fees under control, because there are times when you are penny-wise and pound-foolish not to consult an attorney on an important legal matter. The price you pay may be much lower than the price you will pay without that legal advice.

For those of you who are looking at the big picture, and who want more assistance at the court for pro se litigants, contact your court administrators and your bar association, and maybe even write a letter or two to your legislators and your local news papers and news blogs.

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