Articles Tagged with Constitution Day

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Yes there is still a U.S. Constitution and it has its own day. Read about it at the Constitution Center and the Library of Congress where they also have Constitution Day Teacher Resources, for teachers and homeschoolers everywhere.

And don’t forget those extraterrestrials and the Bill of Rights.

URLs cited above:

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Happy U.S. Constitution Day! There must be a cocktail you can drink to toast the U.S. Constitution, its origins, and improvements (yes, the founders knew the U.S. Constitution would need to be modernized, through – amendments!).



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Above the Law brings us the following news story worthy of News of the Weird.

California College Tells Student He Can’t Hand Out Copies Of The Constitution On Constitution Day,” which links to a story from FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education): “California College Forbids Passing Out Constitutions…On Constitution Day.

How can one not love News of the Weird, which I usually catch up on through my Funny Times subscription? (You can also check out the News of the Weird Archive.)

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