Articles Tagged with Minors

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The number one question on the Oregon Legal Research website has for many years been “When Can I Leave My Kids Home Alone?” The last time this was updated was in 2011, so I thought I’d update that page.

Oregon does not have a law specifically stating the exact age when children can be left home alone. However, the child neglect statutes do offer some guidance, along with cases that interpret those statutes. It is also helpful to look at the information provided by government agencies. If you read the updated Q&A you will find the text of the statutes and links to helpful resources.



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Wondering how to interpret Oregon’s Child Neglect statutes in ORS Chapter 163.505 et seq.Offenses against the family,” including but not limited to sections 163.545 And 163.547?

This (undated) Oregon Department of Human Services FAQ has these Home Alone tips, on page 4 of the PDF:

Can a child be left home alone at the age of ten?

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Visit the Oregon Kinship Navigator, a statewide resource and referral service for grandparents raising grandchildren and other relative caregivers.

Among other resources you will find this one:

Legal Guide For Grandparents and Other Relatives Raising Children in Oregon, 2020 (use the webpage’s link for a PDF of the Guide).

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Another type of law library question that we, and public libraries, start hearing as the weather gets colder:

Where do I find the law that that says power companies cannot turn power off if you are very poor, have children, or are elderly?

Quick answer, if the utility has been or soon will be turned off:

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