Articles Tagged with Texas

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You can read the enrolled bill and some of its legislative history at the LegiScan Texas website, which can also link you directly to the Texas legislature’s website.

As you read the law, do not confuse these two legal actions:

1) Private civil right of action

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We love hearing about other excellent public law libraries that serve the legal community and the public decade after decade after decade …. The need never seems to end:

Harris County Law Library turns 100

On October 1, 2015, the Harris County Law Library will celebrate its 100th anniversary. To commemorate the milestone, we have planned a Centennial Celebration focusing on our century of service to the Houston legal community and our bright future promoting open and equal access to justice for all. We would like to invite all of you to join us in our celebration! Although a trip to Texas may not be in the cards for everyone, please know that you are certainly welcome to join us if you are in Houston on October 1. Additionally, you can help us celebrate remotely by visiting our Centennial Digital Exhibit.”

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