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The Oregon FISA (Brandon Mayfield) Decision


One easy way to keep up with Oregon legal news is to use Justia’s search engine on their web site. A recent search turned up this link to a Volokh Conspiracy post, The Oregon FISA Decision. (And do read the Comments.)

Since I’m in the legal research business, not the legal news business, I’ll gladly show you how to do this yourself:

On a regular basis (I don’t post here everything I read there) visit the Justia Blawg Search and type the word Oregon into the search box (do I also need to tell you to click “search? Nah :-) Easy as pie. (Their home site is Justia )

You can do the same type of search in Yahoo news, Google news, etc. You can also set up news feeds, but that’s your call (and maybe the subject of another OLR post).

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: When searching these huge news files (rather than the smaller blawg banks), you might (!) want to create a more precise search string, e.g.: oregon law legal lawyers legislation legislature attorney

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