This blog post is written primarily for the new appellate court brief writer, either the new lawyer or the pro se litigant.
Not all materials on briefs writing are online (surprise, surprise), so be prepared to visit an Oregon law library:
1) OSB “Appeal and Review” (loose leaf) (from the Oregon State Bar or an Oregon law library)
2) Various CLE course materials on the Oregon appeals process (titles vary from law library to law library depending on collection size and purchasing decisions).
3) Recent OSB Appellate Practice Section course materials can be found at the Section’s webpage, under Links/Resources, Brown Bag Outlines and Secondary Materials.
4) If you are so inclined, you might want to look at the first edition of the Oregon Appellate Almanac (2006) (also in print only), from the OSB Appellate Practice Section and at some Oregon law libraries.
5) Guide to How to Find Oregon Appellate Court briefs.
6) Also, I posted not long ago about How to Find Ninth Circuit Appellate Court Briefs.
7) There are a number of books on the art of writing appellate court briefs. Large law libraries have lots of them. My little law library has this one, Aldisert, Winning on Appeal, and a few books on legal writing.
8) A guide to brief-writing in the Washington State courts pretty much sums it up: Be Brief (there is more to it than that, as you might have suspected, but that thought should remain uppermost in your mind
(Linked to via KCLL Klues blog post: Washington Appellate Court Brief Writing – Best Practices.)