2005 SPOUSAL SUPPORT JUDGMENT SURVEY: The published analysis of 1,161 spousal support general judgments decided in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties just arrived in our law library and probably in the mailboxes of Oregon family law practitioners everywhere. Thank you to John W. “Jack” Lundeen, the Clackamas County Family Law Group, and the Oregon Academy of Family Law Practitioners!!
Articles Posted in
Military Status Verification (SCRA)
See March 18, 2010, OLR blog post for updated links.
If you need to verify non-military status for the purpose of complying with new SMCRA (aka SCRA – these are the amendments to the Soldier and Sailor Civil Relief Act of 1940), here is one place to go if you have a Social Security number. If you don’t have a SS#, here is a list of addresses for 5 branches of the military. Additional information about SCRA (Servicemember Civil Relief Act) can be found at the ABA web site, here. Let me know if you find other useful sources.
OSB ETHICS OPINIONS: OSB has just posted information about the publication of the 2005 formal legal ethics opinions. It can be found here.
POLITICS OF DRIVING: Law librarians hear lots of questions, and rants, about auto law from attorneys and non-attorneys alike, asking about car values or photo radar tickets, from those who want to know why their cars were towed to those who just want to Beat the Ticket. Did you know there was a journal and web site devoted to the Politics of Driving? Look at the web site here.
OSB CON LAW BLOG: Did you know that the OSB Constitutional Law Section has a blog? Here it is.
JIM CALLOWAY LAW PRACTICE BLOG: I’m a fan of Jim Calloway’s web site for many reasons, including the fact that it’s sometimes hard to tell his blog from Bruce Schneier’s, another favorite of mine. Jim Calloway posted on October 20th a blurb (is a blog blurb a blurg or a blub?) on what your color printer could reveal about you to law enforcement or other interested parties. Be afraid, be very afraid. But the librarian community can still be trusted, mostly. Your records are safe with us and we have the T-shirt to prove it. Unshelved creators have a new T-shirt for the holiday season that reads: “What Happens in the Library Stays in the Library.” Ain’t that grand.
STATE LEGISLATIVE HISTORY GUIDES: For those who didn’t catch this on Boley Blogs, here’s a link to a marvelous compilation of state legislative history guides on the web.
AUTO LAW FROM OSB: The grapevine tells me that OSB will be offering a new CLE deskbook (aka manual, looseleaf, or in OSB nomenclature, publication) on Automobile Law. This will be most welcome to Oregon attorneys and law librarians. Publication date is “pretty soon,” which is ok, given the amount of selfless, and likely unremunerated, labor that goes into these publications by the attorneys who write the OSB CLE looseleaf manuals.
YAHOO SITE EXPLORER: Not everyone has a workplace IT policy that permits any or all downloaded applications you may wish to play with or use. (Another advantage of being your own boss, eh.) Google toolbar was a boon, but a workplace no-no for me and many others. But Yahoo Site Explorer might be a good substitute. See Bates Information Services, my source for this excellent legal research tip, for additional tips. Her monthly column is well worth the time spent reading it.
OREGON AG OPINIONS: Nothing new, but a reminder never hurts: Oregon AG Opinions are online back to 1997, here.