LAWYER GRIEVANCE PROCESS: Is it time to open up the lawyer grievance process? See MyShingle posting from October 20th about a New Jersey Supreme Court ruling on the lawyer grievance process.
Articles Posted in
WI-FI AND ONIONS: Need a quote to make you laugh every time you hear it? Hermiston rocks, with city Wi-Fi: “Outside the cloud, I can’t even get DSL,” said Hale. “When I’m inside it, I can take a picture of one of my onions, plug it into my laptop and send it to the Subway guys in San Diego and say, ‘Here’s a picture of my crop.”‘ From KATU today.
MARION COUNTY MEASURE 37 CASE: Friday’s (10/14/05) Marion County Measure 37 case can be found here at the Marion County Circuit Court web site.
OSB DISCOUNTING ABA BOOKS: The OSB offers a 15% discount off the ABA price for many of their publications. Link to the PDF catalog and order form from here. You may be able to review some of the books at your local law library. ABA publications are quite popular with our local attorneys so it’s worth a look.
Who’s on First? from John Doyle’s Legal Periodicals Blog, Sept 27th, 2005 posting.
“When is Winter?
Is northern hemisphere Winter at the end of the year, or the beginning of the year? Would you expect a journal’s Winter issue to precede the Spring issue or follow the Fall issue? The law journal editors don’t really know either. The tendency is to have the Winter issue precede the Spring issue in the same year, but there are many examples where the opposite occurs, where the journal publishes the Fall 2004 issue and then subsequently the Winter 2004 issue (examples are: Hofstra L. Rev., John Marshall L. Rev., Marq. L. Rev., U. Cin. L. Rev., U. Pitt. L. Rev.). “
2005 LAW LIBRARY VALUES: OSB has posted here their “2005 Law Libraries: Values” report in PDF. Today it is on page two of the Bar News, but it tends to sink into the site, out of sight, as time goes on defying even a word search. It reappears on page one periodically (tax times of course). Contact your law librarian if you have trouble finding it or OSB (503-620-0222). Or me. I save it on my own computer to avoid the hassle of searching for it when our attorneys need it and can just email it to them.
DISASTER PLAN: Do you have a disaster plan for your law practice? One place to begin is here, at Law Practice Today (LPT) with their Disaster Recovery issue. LPT is also an excellent site to check out on a regular basis (daily isn’t necessary).
LEGAL ASPECTS OF BLOGGING: Blogs are not for the faint of heart for a number of reasons and one of those is, of course, related to the legality of what you do on that blog. EFF has a useful guide here that could serve as a primer.
APPELLATE COURT OPINIONS FROM OJD: Did you know that clicking on OJD’s Media Release web page is a quick way to check for up to the minute releases of Oregon Court of Appeals and Supreme Court opinions?