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I’m not the only Portlander (or pedestrian) reading this story, Man Jailed for Creating Crosswalk, Vows More, who thought it might have originated in “my own” neighborhood. But this is an Everywhere problem. Let s/he who hasn’t been tempted to do the same as Mr. Stump step off the sidewalk first. (Dare I make the point that Portland is also known as Stumptown?)

Excerpt from the news story:

“Whitney Stump didn’t like watching drivers ignore the stop signs at the intersection outside his home, so he asked the city to paint crosswalks there.

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Personal Bee Law Library Buzz points us to this story, “The Challenge of Multi-Author Blogs,” which is a logical follow-up to my posts about lawyers blogging (aka blawging), here, here, and here. (Personal Bee also links to this, from Stark County Law Library.)

Excerpt from the Daily Blog Tips post:

“There are a growing number of multi-author blogs being launched, and many blogs that once featured only a single author are changing to include more writers. Many of you probably read a number of multi-author blogs, including Daily Blog Tips, Freelance Switch, Performancing, and others. Some of you probably own or write for a multi-author blog as well.

If you are considering starting your own, or changing a single-author blog to include other writers, there are some challenges that you should be aware of. While I do not own any multi-author blogs, I do write for a few on a regular basis, and I’ve written for even more on a one-time basis. Here are some of the challenges that are evident from my experience….”

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I came across this Free Teleprompter while browsing the law librarian blogs, and this one, AbsTracked, in particular.

I’m not sure how you would use it, without looking as if you are, ah, reading a teleprompter (not always a pretty sight), but one never knows, does one?

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As I walked out of a local store this past weekend I nearly tripped over a chicken, who was probably out for lunch (lots of veggie restaurants in my neighborhood).

This reminded me that we’re probably due for our annual “How many chickens can I keep on my property?” question. With prices for eggs and, sorry, chicken going up, the question may arise sooner rather than later.

Instead of giving The Answer, and there is seldom just one, I recommend you look up or contact one (or more) of the following:

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From Neat New Stuff comes this lead to Rules of Thumb. There is a Lawyer category but not a Librarian one. Most of these Rules of Thumb are kind of silly, but legal researchers sometimes need the darndest things. Most interesting to me is the design of the web site, which is not bad at all for this sort of information.

From their About This Site:

“The goal of this website is to gather every rule of thumb on earth into one gargantuan, easily searchable online reference database that will be accessible from anywhere in the world and continue to grow forever.”

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The Oregon Supreme Court is going to hear the Special Session case on Friday, February 1, 2008. From this Oregonian news report, on Tuesday.

“The case has been fast-tracked through the courts. Briefs are due tomorrow and Thursday with arguments on Friday. Legislators are scheduled to convene on Monday.”

A few lawyers aren’t going to get any sleep tonight – or tomorrow night.

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I have friends who attend (and love) the Iowa Summer Writing Festival and always try to encourage me to do likewise. But, when I ask if ISWF offers sessions on blogging, the answer is always no (despite the fact that a large percentage of their student body probably blog about their own ISWF experiences). Is blogging not worthy of attention by excellent writing instructors and the ISWF?

Writing a good blog is a lot harder than it appears. For now, let’s look at the blawgs on the ABA Journal Blawg 100. (Yes, there are other Top 10, 20, 25, etc. lists of terrific blawgers and the nice thing is, you are free to make your own list, without being influenced by others’ lists or by things like this and this.)


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