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No, it’s not all online.
No, a lawyer researching online won’t always beat out the “paper” lawyer.
No, a legal researcher using print won’t always eat the dust of an online legal researcher

Yes, we all love online, but we also know its limits, especially in the hands (and mind) of a good legal researcher.
Yes, there are a lot of writers saying print is dead – and lots of researchers who say, no it isn’t.

Yes, there are a lot of experienced lawyers and law librarians who are appalled at the (print and online) legal research skills and habits of many new lawyers (at least those who won’t listen to research tips from those who are more experienced).

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Check out GPO’s MetaLib:

Welcome to MetaLib, a service of the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications! MetaLib is a federated search engine that searches multiple U.S. Federal government databases, retrieving reports, articles, and citations while providing direct links to selected resources available online. To learn more, view additional brief or detailed search information.” (Link to Metalib homepage.)

To learn more about GPO (the Government Printing Office), link to their homepage and to FDSys, the Federal Digital System, and don’t forget visiting their award winning Government Book Talk Blog.

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OPB’s Think Out Loud radio program had a recent show on Pedestrian Law: Nov. 1, 2010, Foot Traffic and guests included Ray Thomas who wrote Oregon Pedestrian Rights: A Guide to People on Foot.

Read more about loopy, oblivious, clueless, narcissistic, aggressive, flaky, indifferent, silly, stupid, and distracted pedestrians, drivers, and bicyclists at the Foot Traffic program Comments section and at my previous OLR blog pedestrian law posts.

“Let’s be careful out there!”

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Justice William W. Bedsworth, in the November 2010, “Criminal Waste of Space” column in the OC Lawyer Magazine:

Accursed Congress

Excerpt: ‘… Take Congress.(1) Congress is about as lousy a job as you can have without getting involved with fish or sewage. I don’t understand why it isn’t the loser of the election that gets stuck going to Congress.(2)

And since I’m not willing to do the job myself, I don’t question the work being done by the guy who is. That’s a rule of mine. You will never hear me criticize the work of my garbage man or my presiding judge.

But I must admit my willingness to kvetch has expanded somewhat since the two national political parties turned the Congress of the United States into a third-rate game of frat boy dodgeball. I really am dismayed that they are so busy trying to beat the other team that they no longer care about the cost to the country. They’re so obsessed with being doctrinally pure Republicans and Democrats that they’ve lost interest in being Americans. …
‘ (Link to full article.)

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Take a judicious, so to speak, humor break and read Justice William W. Bedsworth, in his November 2010, “Criminal Waste of Space” column in the OC Lawyer Magazine: Accursed Congress

Excerpt: ‘… Take Congress.(1) Congress is about as lousy a job as you can have without getting involved with fish or sewage. I don’t understand why it isn’t the loser of the election that gets stuck going to Congress.(2)

And since I’m not willing to do the job myself, I don’t question the work being done by the guy who is. That’s a rule of mine. You will never hear me criticize the work of my garbage man or my presiding judge.

But I must admit my willingness to kvetch has expanded somewhat since the two national political parties turned the Congress of the United States into a third-rate game of frat boy dodgeball. I really am dismayed that they are so busy trying to beat the other team that they no longer care about the cost to the country. They’re so obsessed with being doctrinally pure Republicans and Democrats that they’ve lost interest in being Americans. …‘ (Link to full article.)

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