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Oregon Supreme Court Justices Donate Rare Superseded ORS Set for Scanning Project

This donation is no small contribution to our superseded ORS scanning project and I would be woefully remiss if I didn’t publicly thank the Oregon Supreme Court Justices for donating (lending!) to us their set of the superseded Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS).
We will take good care of it and see that it is returned, with a full set of digitized statutes.  (We also plan to create microfilm sets for archival purposes.)
Heretofore, we had been able to locate only 3 complete sets of these superseded statutes (a summary of the Long Road to Superseded ORS Digitization story is available at the project’s blog post), none of which was accessible except in Salem and Portland and none could be take off-site. (Incomplete sets exist in many libraries and on microfilm.)
The Oregon Supreme Court’s set is a 4th complete set that we only just located.  We give a thousand thanks (daily!) to the State of Oregon Law Library and the Supreme Court Justices for the loan of this almost priceless ORS collection, and to the Multnomah Law Librarian, who played a major role in the very existence of this rare ORS set, not just in remembering that IT HAD TO BE SOMEWHERE.
The donation (loan!) enables us to complete our project ahead of schedule (though still somewhat delayed due to the imminent birth of a baby scan-meister).
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