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“40 Legal Practice Areas That Didn’t Exist 15 Years Ago” [My Shingle]


Carolyn Elefant’s popular and long-running blog/website MyShingle has an interesting article (it has lots actually):

“40 Legal Practice Areas That Didn’t Exist 15 Years Ago,” January 2, 2018:

Almost a decade ago, Richard Susskind’s book. The End of Lawyers predicted that many traditional lawyers, particularly solos and smalls would soon be rendered obsolete. And while Susskind wasn’t wrong — jobs in the legal sector decline steadily every year, with a loss of 100,000 jobs predicted by November 2017 – the glass is also half full. Because despite the loss of legal jobs over the past decade, there are also at least 40 legal practice areas that didn’t exist 15 years ago that will keep lawyers busy for years to come.

Within the next few weeks, I’ll be releasing for purchase a 150-page comprehensive guide to 40 Practice Areas that Didn’t Exist 15 Years Ago (register HERE if you’d like to receive notice when the Guide is available for sale) but to start the year off on the right note, I’m posting the list with a few observations….” [Link to full article at MyShingle.]

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