“Oregon AG Public Records and Meetings Manual” and Superseded ORSs
My Oregon public law librarian “Please, sir, I want some more” Wish List is not long:
1) Superseded Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS). Is there a reason why the Legislature cannot put the superseded ORSs on the Legislature’s Bills and Laws website? Do they know how important superseded statutes, laws, and calendars are to lawyers (and to their clients)? They (superseded ORSs) are priceless! Ask any lawyer, especially after Gaines.
2) Oregon Attorney General’s Public Records and Meetings Manual. There is also no reason in the world (is there?) why the Oregon AG’s Public Records and Meetings Manual is not online at the DOJ website, IN FULL. It is online in part (a very small part), but not the entire manual. Yes, maybe many of us do still want the hard copy, but it should also be online IN FULL. Is there any Oregon government document more important and useful than this one for the average person?
That is my short Wish List.