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Garda Acquires Kroll Division


I’m not sure why I follow some of the news I do, but my instincts generally are good. Following Shlep’s links to the BRB Public Records Blog (and don’t hurry past this entire posting of David’s on public records at Shelp), I found out that Garda has acquired Kroll’s international security division. I haven’t a clue why this is useful information, but past experience tells me it will be. Anyway, doing a [very] loose search for more information lead me to this, and then this interesting story on what security experts should know about ethics. It takes one back to Watergate when the response to suggestions that the White House staff should receive ethics training led one wag to remark, yes, but one needs to have the “aptitude” for the subject to benefit from any teaching. Hmmm. (Yes, I promise to look for the exact quote one day.)

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One response to “Garda Acquires Kroll Division”

  1. Tim Boyd says:

    I was looking for information on Garda and found this post and Surprised to see that Garda acquired part of Kroll, however this was back in 2007!



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