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Writing, Law, Blogs: I browse through a lot of blogs over the course of a week. You might think I would be an RSS user, but I’m not. One day I’ll try and articulate why not. But I am an RSS advocate so don’t feel you need to sell me on its merits. I probably just prefer the randomness of my own system for keeping up with my favorite blogs, though I suspect there is more to it than that. In any event, from all of today’s blogs-pickings (see the intriguing Language Log posting on Plural Shifting) the one that keeps coming back to me is from LLRX. The specific posting is this one on “Reining in your inner change freak.” The author (Connie Crosby, a worthwhile read any time) pulls this wonderful and pithy quote from Jim Frazier:

“Change is NOT inherently good. Stop believing that. Change is, without question, inevitable. But it is not good or bad. It just is. Change is not the issue. It is what conditions you are changing and what alternatives you are offering that should be the real topic of discussion. (p. 7)”

First, I think it is funny that we need permission to feel this way – but the truth is we sometimes do. Second, click on Connie’s link to the quote’s source. Apart from the simple pleasure of browsing the document for the odds and ends that are also “wonderful and pithy,” what really jumped out at me was how the creator of this publication did what few others do. He sized the PDF to fit onto a computer screen so one didn’t have to scroll down a full screen of an 8-1/2” x 11” page. Online is not print. He Got It in 2000, which was when this was written. Imagine that.

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