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Who Voted for the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare)?


The vote in Congress on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148 (2010)) was as follows:

House: 219-212
Senate: 60-39

(Source: Thomas dot gov, August 27, 2012)

Brief Legislative History: H.R. 3590:

9/17/2009: Introduced in House

10/8/2009: Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 416 – 0 (16 not voting) (Roll no. 768).

12/24/2009: Passed/agreed to in Senate: Passed Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title by Yea-Nay Vote. 60 – 39. Record Vote Number: 396.

3/21/2010: Resolving differences — House actions: On motion that the House agree to the Senate amendments Agreed to by recorded vote: 219 – 212 (Roll no. 165).

3/23/2010: Signed by President.

3/23/2010: Became Public Law No: 111-148

Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents (2010): Mar. 23, 2010, President’s Signing Statements.

Previous OLR blog posts on The Affordable Health Care Act, including links to the U.S. Supreme Court case and the session law & history.

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