PUGS, the Portland Underground Graduate School, is offering a course on contracts, taught by Michael Jonas, Attorney and Owner of Rational Unicorn Legal Services PC (Portland, Oregon):
“Introduction to Contracts: Learn what contracts are, their importance, and their application to business and life:
Contracts are more important than ever. They are there to protect us (and yes sometimes annoy us), but do we really understand what they are? This class will teach you what you need to know about contracts and contract formation. We will discuss their importance and why they matter. And how having and understanding contractual processes and practices can help your business and every day life. Come learn about contracts in a fun environment. Yes we promise, contract law can be fun….” [Link to PUGS course information.]
Date: Thursdays, May 21 & 28, June 4 & 11
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Location: Online
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