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Beer Law in the Oregon Legislature


Beer is a hot topic in this year’s 2011 Legislative Session. You can find beer bills, so to speak, by using the search engine at the Legislature’s website: I found these today:


And then there is 2011 Senate Bill 444, which doesn’t pop up in the Legislature’s search-engine, which is a puzzle, but not the first time we’ve noticed the problem.

A search in another Oregon bills database, using the word “beer,” also gives us SB 511 and these House Bills: 2147, 2642, 2913, 3234

There are more Oregon Beer and Brewery blogs than you can count, so just throw those words into the search-engine hopper.

For the practical side of the beer busines: Popular Mechanics “How to Bottle Beer

I’m not sure why one would want to fill beer at break-neck pace, but Popular Science has your number if you do (and some of the Comments are very funny, which is a nice change from the usual comment-etiquette pattern).

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