Articles Posted in Legal Subject Area Guides

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Visit the online Veterans Law Library:A Comprehensive Collection of Materials Relating to the Veterans Benefits Adjudication Process.”  It includes primary and secondary sources, case law, Agent Orange Claim, Gulf War Illness, and PTSD Claims information, and much, much more.

Hat tip to Oregon attorney John Gear, his Law for Real People Blog, and collection of Useful consumer law Links.

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Oregon Justice Resource Center

The Oregon Justice Resource Center assists with trial and appellate litigation on behalf of indigent, prisoner, and low-income clients in federal and state courts on a range of civil liberties and civil rights matters, including but not limited to the death penalty, immigrant rights, and unfair procedural barriers to the courts. Donate to the OJRC....” [Link to OJRC.]

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Read about the changes to the Oregon Public Guardian and Conservator program for people with “inadequate resources,” e.g. people without relatives or friends willing or able to serve as guardians or conservators.

2014 SB 1553 (enrolled bill) (as of today is still awaiting the Governor’s signature):
Relating to services for persons with inadequate resources; creating new provisions; amending ORS 125.240, 125.410, 125.700, 125.705, 125.710, 125.715, 125.720, 125.725, 125.730, 441.109, 441.137 and 441.153; and declaring an emergency

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Oregon Landlord-Tenant Law is a lot more complicated than people imagine. Landlords and tenants should seek current and accurate legal information and, in most cases, get professional legal advice from a licensed Oregon attorney who specializes in landlord-tenant law.

Everyone should do this BEFORE trouble strikes.

It’s a lot more expensive to fix a legal problem than it is to prevent one -just ask any landlord-tenant attorney – or any landlord or tenant who thought leases, evictions, and escrow accounts were subject to Common Sense Rules or the If it’s Online it Must Be OK “Rule” instead of the You Have to Research the Actual Law Rule. That person is now paying a lawyer lots of money to fix a problem that might have been avoided – or gnashing teeth over the Unjustness of the World. (Yes, life is sometimes unfair in your favor, but seldom when it comes to landlord-tenant law.)

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“The Oregon Cannabis Industry Association is hosting an informative seminar providing Oregon cannabis industry members, and those looking to enter the industry, with an opportunity to learn from professionals across the legal spectrum. Attorneys and professionals will cover basic business law, employment law, tax law and more. A representative from the Oregon Health Authority will be on hand to answer questions about the application process and rules for the upcoming state-licensed medical marijuana facilities.

Tickets are $150. (Approval for CLE credits pending for practicing Oregon attorneys.)….

Link to Oregon Cannabis Industry Association (OCIA) program webpage for more information.

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If you’ve ever come across one of these “see Preface” notes in the ORS, you might be wondering where you can find that Preface:

Example: “192.715 to 192.760 were enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but were not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 192 or any series therin by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

In the print, this is easy. You just open up Volume 1 and start reading.

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I have about 150 draft blog posts and no time to prep them for viewing, but some info just has to rise to the top:

Historical ORS

A(nother) frustrated librarian has created this quick and dirty website to superseded ORS, Historical ORS, which can supplement the info on our Where are Superseded (Archived) Oregon Revised Statutes?

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On January 7, 2014, the Supreme Court:

“1. Allowed petitions for review in:

Myles A. Bagley v. Mt. Bachelor, Inc. (S061821) (A148231) (appeal from Dechutes County Circuit Court; opinion reported at 258 Or App 390, 310 P3d 692 (2013)).

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Update update (ahem) to the “Oregon’s Legal Guide for Grandparents and Other Relatives Raising Children” handbook:

I have checked with the lead editor of “Oregon’s Legal Guide for Grandparents and Other Relatives Raising Children” and she confirmed that the 2012 edition is most recent one and an update isn’t likely much before 2015.

You can link to this publication from the OSU Extension website, but don’t confuse this legal guide with the “… Resources Guide ….” You want the “… Legal Guide ….”

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