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Lest you think Justice Bedsworth writes only humor – and appellate court decisions, read on:
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It’s getting dark and rainy, which means people start asking about that dratted time change.

Do you know when your clocks turn back?
NOVEMBER 6, 2011
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Every once in a while we run into a memorable Library-Internet quotation:
From: “At Your Service,” by Robert Leo Heilman, OLAQ, Vol. 17, no. 3, p. 9 (2011), (author of “Overstory: Zero: Real Life in Timber Country“)

“.... Both the internet and the library are sources of information. The difference is that the virtual help offered by the worldwide web is impersonal, while libraries have librarians.  When you walk in the door of your local public library, there is someone there who is ready to help you.  Librarians aren’t there to run a scam on you, nor to try to turn a profit, nor to deceive you—all common enough occurrences in this, the so-called “information age.”  A librarian is more than just a specialist but rather a sort of friend to one and all, someone with nothing more than your own good at heart ….” OLAQ, Vol. 17, no. 3, p. 9 (2011).
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If you’ve never visited the Oregon State Archives, here’s your chance to go behind the scenes.  Most of these documents are not online and may never be online (at least in our lifetimes).
You can also take the State Archives web tour!
Combine your visit to the Archives with some other Salem treasures, such as the Hallie Ford Museum of Art.
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The Oregon State Bar (OSB) August/September 2011 Bulletin has a lot of interesting news.  We’ll start with the Fun (to librarians, lawyers, and writers, at least):

Thank you to Suzanne Rowe, the University of Oregon Law School Director of Legal Research and Writing and author of the book(s), “Oregon Legal Research,” now in its 2nd edition, we find out from her “The Legal Writer” column, “Let the Festivities Begin!” column that September 24th is:
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