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Declaring Paternity in Oregon


Bend Bulletin story by Sheila Miller, on January 6th, 2007, “Obscure law keeps Bend father from challenging adoption.

Excerpt from full article:

I think that most men have not a clue how quickly they lose their rights in the state of Oregon,” Dick said. “If you are a male and wish to assert your rights to a child, you should go through every step possible and beyond … so there’s no question.”

Child-related laws in Oregon usually try to keep children with their parents or ensure that parents who want their children don’t lose that opportunity. In this case, that was not the outcome.

“He’s held and smelled her, he’s changed her diaper, and now he’s been told he’ll never see her again,” said Carkhuff’s attorney, Angela Lee. “It’s one of the coldest laws I’ve ever seen.”

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