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Oregon Classroom Law Project, and Baseball “Law”


Constitution Day 2010 has passed with nary a whimper, but thoughts of the inimitable Classroom Law Project stay front and center.

Did you know you can volunteer with the Classroom Law Project? They are super-friendly, fun, and oh so smart. And they are willing to pass all that goodness on to you, free of charge. You just need to volunteer. (I’m volunteering so I can learn how to bring all that goodness out to my law library’s county.)

Learn and teach about civics, courts, and law making. You don’t need to be a lawyer to volunteer – really!

You just have to enjoy teaching young people, whether it be something as simple as giving a courthouse tour or as mind-ful as working with their other programs, such as We the People or Mock Trial.

And I can’t think about Constitution Day without talking about baseball (go figure that one out!):

I told my favorite BaseballU.S. Constitution story in a previous blog post:

To me, baseball is the perfect game. It’s the only game in which the defense holds the ball. It’s the fairest of all sports: One team cannot use the clock to prevent the other team from catching up, and even when you are winning, you have to give your opponent a chance to even the score. With its lineup and batting order, baseball is more democratic than other sports: Each player gets a turn, and a team can’t keep feeding the ball to its best players….” (Read the full quote and blog post.)

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