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Oregon Revised Statutes, Copyright Dispute, and Legal Research


Jack Bogs Blog points us to a NYT story, the latest on public access to law and the Oregon dispute:

He fought the law and … he won.

I posted about this Oregon Revised Statute dispute here and here.

Caveat emptor: if you research “the law online,” please make sure you have the current, official, corrected, authentic, and updated laws of the jurisdiction. For example, the 2007 ORS is not the most current statutory compilation. You will also need to check the 2008 Laws (and Oregon case law, not free-text searchable free online, though individual cases can be found here) which won’t be included in the ORS until the 2009 enactments are codified and published in early 2010.

Got that? See here and here, also, and legal research links in this blog’s sidebars and elsewhere on the web.

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