The Willamette Pedestrian Coalition is sponsoring a Pedestrian Legal Clinic. Visit the WPC’s website for dates, times, locations of the clinics.
The WPC also has information about grants to enforce crosswalk safety laws and lots more at the website. (It’s also a very nice website – easy to read and navigate.)
I’m glad to see all this power to the pedestrian action. I’ve been puzzled by the new(ish) Share the Road program. Notice the parties who are being asked to Share the Road: 2+ wheeled motor vehicle drivers and pedalcyclists.
Where are the pedestrians represented on the billboards (there’s room there for a pedestrian!) and the license plates?
Now, I know pedestrians are not really being ignored (though their fatality rates are far greater than bicyclist fatality rates), but in all the heated (!) public conversations (on blogs, in public meetings, etc.), all I hear is drivers and pedalcyclists shouting at each other.
And both of them seem to want to run me down when I try to cross the street.
My previous post on pedestrians and the law is here.